If you prefer to pay by cash, check, or Venmo then please

download the brochure and simply email your order.


Steeping in Grace. Living with Gratitude!

Join us for daily advent devotions. 

Even if you didn't purchase a tea advent calendar for 2024, you can still follow along as we share devotions for the advent season.  Hope. Faith. Joy. Peace. Great topics as we celebrate the reason for the season. 

Christmas Teacup & Saucer  $20.00 

Comes boxed for gift giving. 

Merry Christmas Metal Sleigh $10.00

Suggest adding tea and an infuser. 

Great Holiday Blends - $10/50g bag

  • White Chocolate Peppermint
  • Holiday Tea 
  • Christmas Tea 
  • Winter Tea       

Text Rosalie with Miller Tea at 319-329-8448 for last minute gift giving.